Cluedo Master Detective 2001 ("Super Cluedo")
Our head contact in France (Jérôme Viot) has spotted a new version of "Super Cluedo" (the French name for "Master Detective"). It was relased in France in December 2001; so now we are hoping that, like Passport To Murder, it will shortly arrive in Britain. As PTM did not arrive in America, I doubt this will either (but you never know...)
Below is the information that we currently have on the game, as well as scans of the cover and the cards
- The game has a new look, similar in style to Cluedo Passport To Murder.
- The new game plays exactly the same as the old version of Master Detective, with the only changes being in the design.
- The box shows a room (probably the Hall) with the suspects (foreground : Miss Scarlett and Colonel Mustard) drawn in the same style as on the Passport to Murder's cards.
- There are the same 10 suspects as in Master Detective.
Note: Click on an image for a larger view.
 Suspects |
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