Cluedo "Passport to Murder" (Passport pour Meurtre)
A new version of Cluedo, that was first spotted in France, has just been released here in the UK. The rules are almost exactly the same as
Super Cluedo Challenge, but it is extremely stylish. Below are information and pictures supplied by Jérôme Viot ( a BIG thanks must go to him ) combined with information and pictures from the UK version.
Where can you buy it? This game is now out of print, so your only chance is at eBay.com / eBay.co.uk
Thanks to Greg Molin for this info :o)
- The board represents Istambul's train station in 1926 (and a train - the Trans-Continental)
- The rules of Super Cluedo Challenge and "Passport to Murder" are exactly the same. The only things to change are the board, the secret passages which are now doormen, the clue counters which are now luggage and the ornaments which are now station employees. Also, you can only play with the six main characters.
- Dr. Black is the victim again.
- There are nine suspects (though you can only play with the usual six characters).
The other three suspects are :
- Mr Brown (Fr. : Monsieur Prunelle)
- Earl Grey (Fr. : Le Sergent Legris)
- Miss Peach (Fr. : Mademoiselle Pêche)
- There are nine weapons (the same as in Super Cluedo Challenge). The extra three are the poison, blunderbuss and axe.
- There are nine rooms: Cocktail Lounge, Left Luggage, Barber's Shop, Kiosk, Engine Room, Waiting Room, Ticket Office, Lost Property and Dining Car.
- Col. Mustard, Professor Plum and Rev. Green are all very young - and in France Dr. Olive is now firmly a Reverend.
- The passports are used like the invitations in the 50th Anniversary Edition, plus they contain the meaning of each clue you find under each luggage.
Note: Click on an image for a larger view.
 Suspects |
 Weapons |
 Rooms |
 Card Backs |
 Rules Cover |
Passports: |
 Mademoiselle Rose |
 Le Colonel Moutarde |
 Madame Leblanc |
 Le Révérend Olive |
 Madame Pervenche |
 Le Professeur Violet |