Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock

Lady of Arlington Grange; Mrs. Peacock has seen her fair share of husbands. Currently engaged to Col. Mustard; she was previously married to Jack Peacock - before his untimely death. Before that, she was married to Vivienne's father, William Scarlett.

Did Mrs. Peacock have a secret about her past husbands, that she wished Black not to publish?


Here are some of the questions that Inspector Grey has asked Mrs. Peacock. Try to read as few as possible before making your guess (by clicking on the "Murder Cards" icon above).


What were you afraid that Black would publish about you?


Did you believe Vivienne and Michael when they said that Black was lying about their relationship?


Where did you go after leaving the Lounge?


Why did you take the dagger with you?


What did you do with the dagger?


Where did you go after the study?


Why were you smashing things in the Hall?


What were you smashing things with?