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French Cluedo TV Series
(Information provided by Jérôme Viot, Damien Amouyel & François Martin. If you can add any more information e.g. about the other episodes that are not listed here,
or any images,
then please Contact Me) |
- Doctor Green (Docteur Olive) | Bernard Menez | IMDB Entry |
- Mrs Peacock (Madame Pervenche) | Andréa Ferréol | IMDB Entry |
- Colonel Mustard (Colonel Moutarde) | André Pousse | IMDB Entry |
- Mrs White (Madame Leblanc) | Marie-Pierre Casey | IMDB Entry |
- Professor Plum (Professeur Violet) | David Brécourt | IMDB Entry |
- Miss Scarlett (Mademoiselle Rose) | Carole Fantony | IMDB Entry |
EPISODE 1 : Chestnut Turkeys (Dindes au Marron) "The doctor, who despite his own wishes, consults at the Château. Mobile phone buff at the drop of a hat; he has set his heart on a great political career. Will he succeed ? Has he got the means to do it ? He's prepared to do anything to succeed. Doctor Green. Mistress of the Abbey. Energetic, attractive; she's ending her third widowhood. But is she the phoenix that's rising again from its ashes ? She comes out of those bad times always greater, always more beautiful, more refined, more wealthy... Mrs Peacock. A born fighter. Master of foundries, expert in nuclear psychology, partisan of strategic expeditions, he has travelled through all the continents and faught the greatest battles - from the fight for his first baby's bottle to his parking place less than 3 minutes ago. Colonel Mustard. Thirty years in service. The diva of the feather duster, the Maria Callas of the vacuum cleaner, the Calamity Jane of dust. A finincial wizard mixed with an unrivalled cordon bleu chef - with a fillet of brill which reconciles everybody. Mrs White. Professional archeologist, occasional kleptomaniac (he may have been seen stealing some statuettes), he's a dreamer to the core who reads comic after comic and every day, discovers the pleasures of life... Professor Plum. Every day, she receives the guests of the Château and organizes their evenings. Every day too, she dreams of her future career as a singer, and she's perfectly made for it : she's young, enterprising, dynamic, and... really shapely... Miss Scarlett." "Médecin malgré lui, il consulte au Château. Adepte du téléphone sans fil pour un oui ou pour un non, il ambitionne la plus grande carrière politique. Y arrivera-t-il ? En a-t-il les moyens ? Il est prêt à tout pour réussir... Le Docteur Olive. La maîtresse de l'Abbaye. Courageuse, séduisante, elle achève son troisième veuvage, mais est-elle le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres ? Elle sort de ces épreuves toujours plus grande, toujours plus belle, plus raffinée, plus riche... Madame Pervenche. C'est un vrai baroudeur. Brute de fonderie, expert en psychologie nucléaire, adepte de la stratégie bourre-pif, il a parcouru tous les continents et livré toutes les plus grandes batailles, depuis la dispute de son premier biberon jusqu'à sa place de stationnement il y a moins de trois minutes. C'est le Colonel Moutarde. Trente ans d'ancienneté. La diva du plumeau, la Maria Callas de l'aspirateur, la Calamity Jane de la poussière. Une reine de l'intendance ficelée d'un cordon bleu hors pair, avec un filet de barbue qui met tout le monde d'accord. Madame Leblanc. Archéologue occasionnel, kleptomane occasionnel (on l'aurait vu chauffer quelques statuettes), c'est un rêveur dans l'âme qui parcourt bande dessinée sur bande dessinée et découvre chaque jour tous les plaisirs de la vie. Professeur Violet. Chaque jour, elle réceptionne et organise les soirées des invités du Château. Chaque jour aussi elle rêve à sa future carrière de chanteuse, et elle a bien raison : elle est jeune, entreprenante, dynamique et... hyper bien balancée... Mademoiselle Rose." Guests : |
Presenter : | Christian Morin | IMDB Entry |
Miss Prune (Mademoiselle Prune) : | Marie-Ange Nardi | IMDB Entry |
Mister Chestnut (Monsieur Marron) : | François Siener | IMDB Entry |
Rooms (The Abbey) : - Bedroom (Chambre) - Study (Bureau) - Kitchen (Cuisine) - Playroom (Salle de Jeu) - Lounge (Grand Salon) - Swimming Pool (Piscine) - Library (Bibliothèque) - Dinning Room (Salle à Manger) |
Weapons : - Poker (Tisonnier) - Spanner (Clef Anglaise) - Poison (Poison) - Scarf (Foulard) - Dagger (Poignard) - Revolver (Revolver) |
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Summary : The record producer Simon Chestnut and his future star singer Miss Prune have decided to spend a few days at the Abbey. But as soon as they arrive, problems with the Castle's inhabitants begin : Mrs Peacock seems to have known Mr Chestnut during her youth; Miss Prune witnessed Professor Plum's sacking from the university, she humiliates Colonel Mustard in a game of chess... Only Miss Scarlett seems to be happy of Mr Chestnut's arrival : maybe he could help her to become a star ? But at the end of the day, Miss Prune is discovered dead by Mr Chestnut... |
Air Date : October 1994 EPISODE 2 : Dinner is Served (Le Dîner est Servi) "Doctor by profession, he's preparing for his entry into politics. From now on, he's tracking down voters and so needs to be above suspicion. Image, always image... Doctor Green. Mistress of the place. Energetic, attractive, authoritarian and... unfortunate : it's her third widowhood. No doubt it's the Abbey's climate... Mrs Peacock. Army pensioner in a too civil world, he spends the better part of his time playing with tin soldiers. Saigon, Hanoi, Brazzaville... Nostalgia, Comrade ! Colonel Mustard. Thirty years in service. Cooking, cleanig, she's a financial wizard who doesn't lack plain speaking. Even if we never know what she is cooking up. Mrs White. Passionately fond of old stones, he now spends his time reading comics. A strange conversion for an archeologist who was destined for a great future. Professor Plum. Receiving guests and attending to their evenings is just a stage for her. Young, ambitious and... a damn good looker, she dreams of recording an album, becoming famous and... saying goodbye the Abbey ! Miss Scarlett." "Médecin de profession, il prépare son entrée en politique. Dès aujourd'hui, il traque l'électeur et se veut au-dessus de tout soupçon. L'image, toujours l'image... Docteur Olive. La maîtresse des lieux. Courageuse, séduisante, autoritaire et... malchanceuse : c'est son troisième veuvage. Le climat de l'Abbaye, sans doute... Madame Pervenche. Militaire retraité dans un monde un peu trop civil, il passe le plus clair de son temps à jouer aux petits soldats. Saïgon, Hanoï, Brazzaville... La nostalgie, Camarade ! Colonel Moutarde. Trente ans d'ancienneté. Cuisine, ménage, c'est une reine de l'intendance qui ne manque pas de franc-parler. Même si on ne sait jamais vraiment ce qu'elle mijote... Madame Leblanc. Passionné par les vieilles pierres, il passe aujourd'hui son temps à bouquiner des BD. Une reconversion bizarre pour un archéologue qui était promis au plus grand avenir... Professeur Violet. Réceptionner les invités et s'occuper de leurs soirées n'est pour elle qu'une étape. Jeune, ambitieuse et... bien foutue, elle rêve d'enregistrer un disque, devenir célèbre et... adieu l'Abbaye ! Mademoiselle Rose." Guests : |
Presenter : | Christian Morin | IMDB Entry |
Mr Régnault (Monsieur Régnault) : | Gérard Rinaldi | IMDB Entry |
Rooms (The Abbey) : - Reception (Réception) - Lounge (Salon) - Corridor (Couloir) - Bedroom (Chambre) - Library (Bibliothèque) - Playroom (Salle de Jeu) - Main Staircase (Grand Escalier) - Kitchen (Cuisine) |
Weapons : - Syringe (Seringue) - Paper Knife (Coupe-Papier) - Stick (Bûchette) - Gun (Pistolet) - Hammer (Marteau) - Knife (Couteau) |
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Summary : Mr Régnault, an actor, arrives at the Abbey to spend a few days there. Miss Scarlett is a bit embarassed because he was one of her old friends. When she escorts him to his bedroom, he asks her to give him one million francs - otherwise he will reveal a part of her past to the other guests. Miss Scarlett is not the only one to be blackmailed by Mr Régnault : Mrs Peacock, Doctor Green and Colonel Mustard have to give him one million francs before dinner too. So, when Professor Plum announces that the dinner is served, they all get into a panic. Mrs Peacock falls down in a faint, and Mustard and Green have to ring someone up. But Mr Régnault can't join the others in the dinning room : he's found dead by Mrs. White... |
Air Date : November 1994 SERIES 2 - 1995EPISODE 3 : The Little Queen's Fall (La Chute d'une Petite Reine)Guests : |
Presenter : | Marie-Ange Nardi | IMDB Entry |
? : | Karen Chéryl (aka Isabelle Morizet) | IMDB Entry |
Inspector Truffle (Inspector La Truffe) : | Maurice Risch | IMDB Entry |
Summary : The boss of a large property company wanted to buy the manor - but came to a bitter end instead. |
Air Date : July 1995 |
EPISODE 4 : Tactics of the Critic (La Tactique du Critique) Guests : |
Presenter : | Marie-Ange Nardi | IMDB Entry |
Jules Férrand (Jules Férrand) : | Thierry Beccaro | IMDB Entry |
Inspector Truffle (Inspector La Truffe) : | Maurice Risch | IMDB Entry |
Team 1 : | Bertrand Beyern | Nécrosophe |
Team 2 : | Patrick Cuachado | Police Inspector |
Summary : In Bergerac Mansion, Mrs Peacock is furious when Miss Scarlett announces Jules Ferrand's arrival. The gourmet critic has chosen the mansion to be the setting of his gastronomy TV show. |
Rooms (Bergerac Mansion) : - Reception (Réception) - Lounge (Salon) - Park (Parc) - Bedroom (Chambre) - Library (Bibliothèque) - Playroom (Salle de Jeu) - Main Staircase (Grand Escalier) - Kitchen (Cuisine) - Dining Room (Salle à Manger) |
Weapons : - Bow (Arc) - Brick (Brique) - Candlestick (Chandelier) - Rat Poison (Mort aux Rats) - Revolver (Revolver) - Fountain Pen (Stylo Plume) |
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Air Date : August 1995 |