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Cluedo & Clue FAQBelow are a selection of the most frequent questions that I am asked about Cluedo / Clue. If you have a query that is not answered here, then please feel to Contact Me and I'll do my best to help.General
Cluedo (Europe & Australia), Clue (North America), Detetive (Brazil), Cluedo was invented by Anthony E. Pratt [E = Ernest], a solicitor's clerk from Birmingham in England. He invented the game in 1943 with the help of his wife (who designed the board). In 1948 he submitted it to Waddington's Games in Leeds, who published it for the first time in 1949. For more information, see the Patent. "Cluedo" is a pun on the traditional game "Ludo" (which is also Latin for "I play"); mixed with the word Clue for the murder mystery element. So it's saying Murder Mystery Boardgame in one word. I believe Ludo is not well known in the USA, thus as the pun would not be understood, Parker Brothers probably decided to just call it Clue for marketing reasons. It was originally named "Murder", but changed it's name to Cluedo / Clue before publication. The original ten suspects were Doctor Black, Mr. Brown, Mr. Gold, The Rev. Mr. Green, Miss Grey, Professor Plum, Miss Scarlet, Nurse White, Mrs. Silver and Colonel Yellow. These were changed to the infamous six - Colonel Mustard, Professor Plum, Reverend Green, Mrs. White, Miss Scarlett and Mrs. Peacock when the game was published. For more information, see the Patent. The original nine weapons were: Axe , Shillelagh?(1), Bomb, Rope, Dagger, Pistol, Hypodermic Syringe, Poison and Poker. For more information, see the Patent. For a list of the names that I know about - please see the International Section. If you know of any others not listed, then please Contact Me This was a question posed in the Bechtel Engineering Christmas Quiz 2001. For all those that need the answer, I think the answer you want is "Hampshire". This is because the 2000 edition of the game has a newspaper on the front cover; on which it says: "The eminent anthropologist and man of letters Dr Black was found dead last night at his Hampshire home...". 6 * 6 * 9 = 324 permutations. Products
All of these games are out of print. Your best chance of finding them are from second hand or auction websites. I throughly recommend eBay.com / eBay.co.uk. Most clue books can still be found on sites like Amazon. If you can't find it there, try eBay. Clue the movie hasn't been sold on video in the UK for a good few years now. Your only options are: Michael from The Art of Murder has done a lot of investigation into the house's existence. Check out his article here. Tapes of the TV show used to be obtainable from Action Time for about £10 a tape (which was sometimes an episode and sometime a series). HOWEVER, they must have changed their policy or something as for the last few years they've been quoting £100 a tape! I'd love to do copies for people but I get a couple of emails a week from people asking me to do so - and I just don't have the time to do a single copy let alone hundreds! Thus I've had to make a rule of just saying no to everyone. It's completely illegal to copy tapes anyway. I really hope that they either bring it out on DVD or on one of the Satellite channels like Challenge TV or ITV2. All we can do is pester companies until someone listens. One place I suggest is sending an email to: wotv_postbag@ipcmedia.com ("What's On TV" magazine - who were asking for suggestions for repeats) saying that you'd love to see Cluedo repeated on telly or released on DVD. I also suggest emails to: info@actiontime.co.uk, enquiries@challenge.co.uk , Officers.duty@granadatv.co.uk and anyone else you can think of! Also sign this petition Clue(do) Chronicles was intended to be a three part series; but unfortunately the combination of Hasbro Interactive shutting down and EAI deciding that games were "not part of their core business"; meant that parts 2 and 3 weren't created and probably will never be. A good walkthrough can be found at here. This is the toughest part of the game as the lock can be very fiddly and requires perseverance to actually get it to work! I must assure you not to give up as the rest of the game makes the effort worthwhile! ANSWER (MM/DD/YY): Rules
Original Cluedo Rules (1996 Version) - Use this if you are looking for the rules to Clue.
No. You can make an accusation during any of your turns - no matter where you playing piece is. But don't forget - if you are wrong - you lose the game! No. Excerpt taken from Cluedo 2000 rules : This seems to be a confusion that the images in the later versions of the board has caused. You can go through any of the doorways (i.e. where there is no wall / window) whether the door is open or shut. No. You must have enough moves to actually enter the room (e.g. you need to roll at least a 4 to move from the Conservatory into the Ballroom). No. The phrase So, for example, if you start your turn in the Lounge, you may move through the passage to the Conservatory and then either end your turn or make a suggestion in the Conservatory. Note: You cannot continue moving outside of the Conservatory until your next turn. Misc
Here are a few ideas which you could combine to make a Cluedo / Clue themed party: Since MSN's Zone.com stopped hosting the game, the only place that I believe you can play it is at Kali. However it's been many years since I heard about it being played there and they aren't in the list of games. Might be worth a try though. You used to be able to play a normal game of Cluedo / Clue at Games.com however I think they have shut it down. At the moment your only option is to play "Murder At Boddy Mansion" / "Murder At Blackwell Grange" at Kali (see above) - if that does still work. © Paul Howls, 1997-2010 IMPORTANT NOTE: Cluedo and Clue are registered trademarks of Hasbro Ltd. (formerly trademarks of Parker Bros. Ltd. and Waddingtons Games Ltd.)
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