UK Cluedo 2000 Edition
A new version of Original Cluedo was released in the UK in September 2000. The three male suspects became a lot younger, the new Cluedo logo (previously only seen on a promotion for fig buscuits)
was introduced properly, the cards are smarter than their 1996 counterparts and so is the board. Below are some scans for your perusal.
In the run-up to Christmas 2001, a television advert was aired to promote the game. This can be seen below. One thing you may notice is that the recently "brunetted" Scarlett, appears as her traditional blonde.
Note: Click on an image for a larger view.
 Suspects |
 Weapons |
 Rooms |
 Cover |
 Notepad |
 Misc. |
TV Advert December 2001:
(Click an image to play movie - 1.06 Meg)