Cluedo Deductions No. 1
Stretch your powers of deduction so that you can become an expert Cluedo
You are playing Miss Scarlett in a game of Cluedo. By following people's
suggestions, who showed cards and who didn't, and the cards that you are
shown; you must use your powers of deduction to work out whodunnit, with
what and where by the end of the list.
Hint: This is a bit like a logic puzzle. When you find out that
someone has a card, go back to the other occurrances of that card in the
list to see if you can work out which cards were shown.
Notes: The order of play is Scarlett (Sc), Mustard (M), White
(W), Green (G), Peacock (Pe) and Plum (Pl). If a player does not make an
suggestion, then they are probably moving between rooms.
Cards in the deck are:
Suspects: Scarlett, Mustard, White, Green, Peacock and Plum.
Weapons: Dagger, Candlestick, Revolver, Rope, Lead Piping and Spanner.
Rooms: Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, Ballroom, Conservatory,
Billiard Room, Library and Study.
The list of suggestions below is written as Suggestor: Person, Weapon,
Place [Not: Who didn't have a card if applicable]. [Who
did have a card if applicable] [showed Card if applicable]
eg. the first suggestion below means Colonel Mustard suggested Mrs.
White with the Revolver in the Lounge; and Mrs White showed him an unknown
Here are your cards : Rope, Dining Room
and Kitchen.
The Game :
Suggestor |
Person |
Weapon |
Place |
Not owned by |
A card owned by |
Card shown |
M |
W |
Rev |
Lounge |
W |
W |
W |
LP |
Lounge |
G |
G |
G |
Rev |
Ballroom |
Pe |
Pl |
Pe |
G |
Spanner |
Conservatory |
Pl, Sc |
M |
Sc |
Sc |
Rev |
Lounge |
M |
Sc |
M |
G |
Rope |
Dining Room |
W |
G |
G |
W |
Rev |
Dining Room |
Pe, Pl |
Sc |
Dining Room |
Pe |
G |
Can |
Ballroom |
Pl |
Sc |
W |
Rev |
Conservatory |
M |
W |
Rev |
W |
Pe |
Rope |
Conservatory |
G |
Pe |
Pe |
G |
Can |
Conservatory |
Pl, Sc, M |
W |
Pl |
M |
LP |
Study |
M |
Sc |
W |
Rope |
Lounge |
M, W, G, Pe, Pl |
M |
Pl |
Rope |
Study |
W |
W |
Pl |
Can |
Lounge |
G |
Pe |
G |
W |
Rope |
Conservatory |
Pe, Pl |
Sc |
Rope |
Pl |
Sc |
LP |
Lounge |
M |
Sc |
W |
Dagger |
Conservatory |
M |
W |
Conservatory |
W |
M |
Can |
Conservatory |
G, Pe, Pl, Sc |
M |
G |
Pl |
Rev |
Lounge |
Pe |
Miss Scarlett, it is your turn. By now you should know whodunnit,
with what and where.