Miss Vivienne Scarlett

Stepdaughter of Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlett believes that she should have been heir to Arlington Grange and not Mrs. Peacock. But the estate is not the only thing that her stepmother has that she wants for herself.

Did she also fear that Dr. Black possessed proof of her adultery; or was there another reason why she may have wanted to kill Dr. Black?


Here are some of the questions that Inspector Grey has asked Miss Scarlett. Try to read as few as possible before making your guess (by clicking on the "Murder Cards" icon above).


Where did you go after you left your mother in the Hall?


What did you do with the Lead Piping after you took it off Professor Plum?


Was Dr. Black in the study when you went in after speaking to the Professor outside?


Why did you close the desk drawer in the Study as Prof. Plum came into the room?


Why were you having an affair with Colonel Mustard?


So you weren't having the affair to get back at Mrs. Peacock?


Why do you think your father left Arlington Grange to Mrs. Peacock - rather than you?


How did your father die?