Reverend Jonathan Green

Vicar of the village, Reverend Green has known Dr. Black since he was a boy. A good friend of David's parents; the Reverend would always be popping into Tudor Hall for a cup of tea and a chat. However, since they died, Green's visits have been growing more and more seldom.

Something was seriously bothering Rev. Green on that fateful night - did his despair drive him to go against the great book itself?


Here are some of the questions that Inspector Grey has asked Rev. Green. Try to read as few as possible before making your guess (by clicking on the "Murder Cards" icon above).


Where did you get the rope from that you were holding in the library?


What were you going to do with the rope?


Why were you so upset?


Why did you go to the Library?


Did you go anywhere between being in the Dining Room and being in the Library?


Did you see Col. Mustard in the Billiard Room when you passed it?


Did you hear a bang at any point during the night?