Miss Vivienne Scarlett

Stepdaughter of Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlett believes that she should have been heir to Arlington Grange and not Mrs. Peacock. But the estate is not the only thing that her stepmother has that she wants for herself.

Did the greedy Miss Scarlett resort to other means to get money?


Here are some of the questions that Inspector Grey has asked Miss Scarlett. Try to read as few as possible before making your guess (by clicking on the "Murder Cards" icon above).


Did you believe the riddle of the Black Falcon?


Did you go straight to the Dining Room from the Lounge?


Did you do anything with the candlestick?


Did you go anywhere between the Dining Room and the Ballroom?


Where did you go after leaving the Ballroom?


Did you see Black's Revolver tonight?


Which parts of the riddle do you know?