Reverend Jonathan Green

Vicar of the village, Reverend Green has known Dr. Black since he was a boy. A good friend of David's parents; the Reverend would always be popping into Tudor Close for a cup of tea and a chat. However, since they died, Green's visits have been growing more and more seldom.

Reverend Green was praying to God for forgiveness that night for the mistakes he had made - but did he make another one?


Here are some of the questions that Inspector Grey has asked Rev. Green. Try to read as few as possible before making your guess (by clicking on the "Murder Cards" icon above).


What were the "bad decisions" that you had made?


What made you realise your mistake?


Why didn't you want to speak to Mrs. White?


Did Mrs. White take the Spanner with her when she left you in the Library?


Did you stay in the Library?


Did anyone else come into the library?